ISO 14907-2:2021 download free

06-22-2021 comment

ISO 14907-2:2021 download free.Electronic fee collection — Test procedures for user and fixed equipment — Part 2: Conformance test for the on-board unit application interface.
ISO 14907-2 describes tests which verify on-board unit (OBU) conformance of functions and data structures implementations, as defined in the implementation conformance statement (ICS) based on Iso 14906 for EFC applications.
ISO 14907-2 defines tests for assessing OBU conformance in terms of:
— basic dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) L7 functionality.
— EFC application functions,
— EFC attributes (i.e. EFC application information).
— the addressing procedures of EFC attributes and (hardware) components,
— the EFC transaction model, which defines the common elements and steps of any EFC transaction, and
— the behaviour of the interface so as to support interoperability on an EFC-DSRC application interface level.
After the tests of isolated data items and functions (C,2 to CA), an example is given for testing a complete EFC transaction (C.3). Although this document defines examples of test cases for DSRC and EFC functionality (see AnnxC). it does not Intend to specify a complete test suite for a certain implementation. To compose a test suite for a specific EFC implementation, the test cases can be modified and new test cases can be defined and added in order for the conformance test suite to be complete. It can be useful to consider the following when defining a complete test suite:
— small range: exhaustive testing” of critical interoperability/compatibility features,
— large range: testing of boundaries and random values, and
— composite types: testing of individual items in sequence or parallel.
ISO 14907-2 does not define tests which assess:
— performance,
— robustness, and
— reliability of an implementation.
DSRC directory containing application information in the form of attributes (32)
LSOURCE: Iso 14906:2018, 3.8J
implementation conformance statement
statement of capabilities and options that have been implemented that defines to what extent the implementation is compliant with a given specification
ISO(JRCE: ISO/TS 17573-2:2020, 3.90J
implementation conformance statement proforma
document, in the form of a questionnaire, which when completed for an implementation or system becomes an implementation conformance statement (ICS) (12)
ISOURCE: ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994, 3.3.40j
Implementation extra Information for testing
statement containing all of the information related to the implementation under test (IUT) (111) and its corresponding system under test (SUT) which will enable the testing laboratory to run an appropriate test suite against that IUT
LSOURCE: ISO/TS 17573-2:2020, 3.92j
implementation extra information for testing prolorma
document, in the form of a questionnaire, which when completed for an implementation under test (IUT)
(lii.) becomes an implementation extra information for testing (JXIT) (3,9)
ISOURCE: ISO/TS 17573-2:2020, 3.93)
implementation under test IUT
implementation of one or more open systems interconnection (OSI) protocols in an adjacent user/
— ICS according to 52. The ICS shall include statements regarding the following:
— L7 services that are implemented in the OBU;
— EFC functions (action types) that are implemented in the OBU;
— whether or not data elements are used;
— IXIT according to £3 The IXIT shall, if applicable, include:
— a statement regarding which L2 services shall be used to transfer the L7 services (and EFC
— a description of security calculations In the OBU including a specification of the encryption
algorithm used;
— values of the test master keys for calculation and verification of OBIJ security data such as
authenticators and access credentials.
The supplier should also provide conhiguration/personalization equipment for the OBIJ if this ensures effective testing.
EAguri gives a more detailed picture of the interface between the entity performing the conformance test and the supplier of the DUT. By the EFC application specification, the ICS proforma and the IXIT proforma, the supplier is requested to provide the DUT (OBU), which contains the implementation under test (IUT), as well as the documentation needed to perform the tests. More details on the content of the different documents are given in Clause 5 on OBU and supporting information.
NOTE The DUT contains the (UT.
Figure 1 shows the overall procedure of conformance testing. Figure 2 shows the exchange of information between the supplier of the DUT and the test house.
5.2 ICS
The ICS is a statement made by the supplier that claims conformance to a certain specification. The ICS states which capabilities have been implemented In the specifications. It also states possible limitations in the implementation of the specification.
This document describes testing of implementations according to the following documents:
— EN 12834;
— ISO 14906.
Annex A contains the ICS proforma that shall be used for the ICS.
5.3 IXIT
The IXIT is a statement made by the supplier or an implementer of an IUT which contains or references all of the information, in addition to that given in the ICS, related to the DIJT and its testing environment. The IXIT enables the test laboratory to run an appropriate test suite against the OUT.
In this document, the IXIT specifies the services in the lower communication layers that shall be used to perform the services to be tested. These services are described In EN 12795, EN 12253 and EN 13372, for example.
The IXIT shall also contain further information and describe algorithms and procedures that are not specified in the above listed documents but are prerequisites to perform the testing. Examples of such information are:
— content of the AppllcatlonContextMark in the VST,
— calculation of access credentials in DSRC services.
— use of returnCode in DSRC L7 services and EFC functions, and
— calculation of authenticators in EFC functions.
Annex B contains the lXlT proforma that shall be used for the declaration of the IX IT.
6.3.2 FunctionalIty of tester Reference beacon
The beacon shall be a transparent physical layer interface for DSRC according to European or
International Standards. This means that it shall be able to operate standardized data profiles of
DSRC links. A simple beacon may be used that only sends and receives frames to or from the DUT. The
communication is controlled by the application and data link process of the tester.
Beacon parameters, for example, the transmitting power, shall be adjustable by the tester. Application and data link process
The tester shall be able to operate the communication link in real time according to data link layer functionality of European or International Standards. The process shall provide the connection to the test control and observation process and shall control the sending and reception of frames to and from the beacon. Test control and observation processes
The test control and observation processes shall be implemented on an appropriately equipped computer system. The processes shall comply with the definitions of the application and data link layers defined by European or International Standards and shall be able to generate test suites in reference to ISO 14906. The control process shall provide functionality to configure the test bed, to generate test suites and to perform test suites.
EXAMPLE Test suites can be generated in plain ASCII format and can be retrieved by the real-time control process via FTP.
While the tests are being performed, all events shall be observed by the PoO process. All results shall be documented, visualized and be made available for detailed analysis.
6.3.3 Conformance testing
The tests performed by the tester shall be able to concentrate on EFC-communication protocol aspects, which are:
6.4 Test documentation
6.4.1 Generalities
The test documentation shall provide comprehensive information of the tester used, the DUT, the tests carried out and the gathered test results.
6.4.2 Tester
All relevant information and specifications of the tester used shall be documented in the test report.
The ICS and the IXIT shall be provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the DUT. The ICS and IXIT shall describe all the capabilities and limitations of the DLJT according to Annex A and Annex B, respectively.
6.4.3 Test methods and test cases
A test suite is required which covers all implemented and specified functions of the DUT to be tested based on the provided ICS and IXIT. Completeness and correctness of the test suite Is required to verify conformity between IUT and specification, including the referenced standards.
The test suite is separated in test groups; each test group consists of a number of test cases. The tester shall provide a tool which enables the user to specify the test suite and which provides documentation of the test suite.
The user-defined test suite should be automatically translated in a computer format which is executable by the tester.
6.4.4 Test results
Each test case carried out shall be documented by the test generation equipment. For each test case, a verdict shall be given: passed, inconclusive or failed. The results of all test cases shall form the conformance test report.

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