BS 7680:1993 download free

06-07-2021 comment

BS 7680:1993 download free.Glossary of terms for Tobacco and tobacco products.
BS 7680 gives terms and definitions used In the production0 processing and testing of tobacco and tobacco products.
Section 1 contains all the definitions from International Standards on tobacco and tobacco products.
NOTE — In a few cases, the wording of the definitions has been editonally improved.
Section 2 covers terms and definitions particularly related to oriental tobacco.
Annex A gives a list, without definitions, of equivalent terms in English and French related to the following areas:
— leaf tobacco;
— physical measurements on cigarettes, filter plug rods and rag;
__chemical analysis of tobacco and tobacco products.
1.1 atmosph.r.: Ambient conditions defined by one or more of the parameters:
— temperature;
— relative humidity;
— pressure.
(ISO 558:1980)
1.1.1 conditioning atmosph.r.: The atmosphere in which a sample or test piece is kept before being subjected to test. It is characterized by specified values for one or more of the parameters temperature, relative humidity and pressure, which are kept within the prescribed tolerances for a given period of time.
(ISO 558:1980)
1.1.2 atmosph.r.: The agreed atmosphere to which test results determined in other atmospheres may be corrected if suitable correlation factors are available from established data.
(ISO 558:19801
1.1.3 atmosph.r.: The atmosphere to which a sample or test piece is exposed throughout the test. It is characterized by specified values for one or more of the parameters temperature, relative humidity and pressure, which are kept within the prescribed tolerances.
(ISO 558:1980)
1.2 butt length: The length of unburnt cigarette remaining at the moment when the smoking is stopped.
(ISO 3308:1991)
1.3.2 output: The opposite end to the input end. (ISO 6565:1983]
1.4 Combustion
1.4.1 combustibility rat• (of a cigarette): The rate at which the mass of tobacco contained in a cigarette is burnt during free combustion. It is expressed in milligrams per minute.
(ISO 3612:19771
1.4.2 fr.. combustion (of a cigarette): Combustion without suction through the cigarette.
(ISO 36 12:1977]
1.4.3 fr.. combustion gradi.nt (of a cigarette): The rate of loss in mass of a cigarette during free combustion. It is expressed in milligrams per minute.
(ISO 3612:1977)
1.4.4 intrinsic combustibility (of a cigarette): The ratio of the loss in mass of a cigarette during free combustion to its initial mass before combustion. It is expressed as a percentage.
(ISO 3612:19771
1.4.5 rat• of fr.• combustion (of a cigarette): The average speed at which the leading edge of the combustion zone travels along the cigarette during free combustion. It is expressed in millimetres per minute.
[ISO 3612:19771
1.5 ambi.nt conditions: The whole of the variable
parameters physcally characterizing the conditions in the room and environment in which the analytical smoking is carried out.
(ISO 3308:1991]
1.13.1 pr.ssur. drop: The difference in static pressure between any two points of the pneumatic circuit of a smoking machine which are passed by a current of air at a constant flow rate of 17,5 mI/s.
NOTE — The term draw r.eistanc. has a very similar meaning. To avoid any confusion, the term draw resistance is used for cigarettes and filter rods, whereas the term pr.uur. drop is used by analogy in the case of the pneumatic circulation in a smoking machine.
(ISO 3308:1991)
1.13.2 pr.ssur. drop of a smoking machin•: The dii ference in static pressure between two points in a smoking machine between which a current of air passes at a constant flow rate of 17,5 mI/s.
(ISO 72 10:1983)
1.14 Puff
1.14.1 cI.aring puff: Any puff taken after a cigarette has been extinguished or removed from the cigarette holder.
(ISO 4387:1991)
(ISO 8454:1987)
1.14.2 puff duration: The interval of time during which the port is connected with the suction mechanism.
(ISO 3308:199 11
1.14.3 puff fr.qu.ncy: The number of puffs in a given time.
(ISO 3308:1991)
1.14.4 puff numb.,: The number of puffs necessary to smoke a cigarette to a specified butt length.
(ISO 3308:199 11
1.14.5 puff profil.: The flow rate measured directly behind the butt end of a cigarette and depicted graphically as a function of time.
(ISO 3308:1991)
(ISO 7210:19831
1.14.6 puff t•rmination: The ending of the connection of the port with the suction mechanism.
(ISO 3308:1991)
1.17.5 laboratory sample: A sample intended for laboratory inspection or testing.
According to the case, it consists of
a) one or more single samples;
b) the gross sample;
c) a subsample (most often).
(ISO 4874:1981)
1.17.6 test sampl.: A sample as prepared for testing. The test sample shell be representative of the laboratory sample.
(ISO 4874:19811
1.18 Sampling of tobacco
1.18.1 stratified sampling: Of a population which can be divided into different sub-populations (called strata), sampling carried out in such a way that specified proportions of the sample are drawn from the different strata.
(ISO 4874:1981)
1.18.2 sampling unit: A unit part of the batch, separately packaged (bale, wooden or cardboard case, basket or sack).
1 For bulk tobacco, a batch with a total mass of in kg shall be considered to be composed of in /100 sampling units.
2 The definition of the term sampling unit as given in this International Standard is a special Interpretation of the general definition as given in ISO 3534. and applies only to tobacco.
(ISO 4874:19811
1.19 Sampling of cigarettes
1.19.1 sal. unit: A quantity of cigarettes ready to be offered for sale to the public.
NOTE – Th. commonly sold packet of 20 cigarettes is used as the basis of this International Standard, but cigarettes are also sold loose and in other size packets.
(ISO 8243:1991)
1.19.8 conditioning sampi.: The cigarettes selected from the test sample for conditioning prior to tests for particulate matter yield.
(ISO 4387:19911
1.19.9 portion: A group of cigarettes prepared for a single determination and which is a random sample from the test sample or conditioned sample as appropriate.
(ISO 4387:19911
(ISO 8243:1991)
1.19.10 plac. of purchas.: The town, village or district within the area to be sampled, or that part of the area where the cigarettes are available.
Examples of boundaries are those of cantons, local government districts, electoral areas, postal code areas or any boundaries in accordance with the geographical context, or others.
(ISO 8243:1991)
1.19.11 sampling point: The specific location (e.g. shop, specialist tobacco shop, vending machine, place in warehouse, place in factory, etc.) from which an increment is to be taken.
(ISO 8243: 1991)
1.19.12 factory: The place of manufacture or its associated distribution depots or the warehouse of an importer.
(ISO 8243:1991)
1.19.13 carton: A commercial package available within a factory; e.g. packets of 20 cigarettes are usually put into cartons of 200 cigarettes.
(ISO 8243: 1991)
1.20 silica: The residual material of whole leaf or Cut tobacco obtained after incineration and extraction with hydrochloric acid (method 1) or by digestion and incineration (method 2) under the conditions specified.
(ISO 2817:1974)
2.10.6 n..dl.: Used for stringing of tobacco leaves.
2.10.7 string: Made of hemp; used for stringing tobacco leaves.
2.10.8 stringIng: Attaching the eaves from their midribs to sticks by using a needle.
2.11 Terms r&atd to processing and storage
2.11.1 balIng: Pressing and packaging of tobacco of the same origin and grade using a suitable technique.
2.112 bale: A form of packaging which is most suitable for tobacco during storage, fermentation and transportation.
The usual form of bales used in oriental producing areas is the tonga.
2.11.3 big tong. bale: Bale with a mass of 31 kg to 55
2.11.4 small tong. bale: Bale with a mass of 20 kg to
2.11.5 wrapper The material used for surrounding the bale. The customary fabric used is burlap, hessian or any similar material which permits air and moisture transmission.
2.11.6 bottom wrapp•r: Wrapper which Is used for the baling of tobacco to cover the lower, upper and back sides of the bale.
2.11.7 side wrapper: Wrapper which is used to cover the front, right and left sides of the bale which are not covered by the bottom wrapper.
2.11.8 tong. rope: A kind of rope made of hemp or any similar non-contaminating material. Tonga rope is used to tie firmly the lower and upper sides of the bottom wrapper to each other.
2.11.9 bale sewing thread: A kind of thread made of hemp or any similar non-contaminating material. The thread is used to sew the bottom and side wrappers to each other.
2.12 Shape of the I..f lamina
The dimensions of different shapes are given in table 1.

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