BS 6476:1984 pdf free download

06-18-2021 comment

BS 6476:1984 pdf free download.British Standard Guide to Garment quality and relevant British Standards.
other. There are a number of British Standards for garments that specify important performance and construction characteristics to be considered in a garment specification; these standards are as follows.
BS 4170 Waterproof protective clothing BS 4171 Specification for donkey jackets
854679 Protective suits for construction workers and others in similar arduous activities
BS 5426 Sp.cif.cation for workwear
OS 5919 Specification for children’s anoraks
OS 6308 Specification for men’s uniforms
3.2.2 GradIng, pattern cutting and 8mple making. Grading should be done in a logical sequence ensuring that the original design concept Is maintained and that patterns will produce garments in conformity with a predetermined proven size schedule. Care should be taken to ensure that reference san,ples are produced under conditions that are as close as possible to factory production methods.
3.2.3 Storage of materials. Materials on receipt should be examined for damage and discrepancies, appropriately labelled, examined against the specification and stored In accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
3.2.4 British Standards relevant to material select on and
garment pmduction Fabric construction
US 2861—2866 Methods for the analysis of woven fabric construction
BS 426 Descriptions of woven textiles (excluding wool) for use In the finishing trade
OS 4407 Methods of test. Quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures Fabric performance
BS 1006 Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles and leather
BS 2471 Methods of test for textiles — Woven fabrics — Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area
OS 257 Methods of test for textiles — Woven fabrics — Determination of breaking strength and
elongation (strip method)
BS 2823 Methods of test for the resistance of fabrics to penetration by water (Hydrostatic head test)
853086 Method for determination of recovery from creasing of textile fabrics by measuring the angle of recovery
US 3424 Testing coated fabrics
BS 3870 Stitches and seams
Part 1. ClassifIcation and terminology of stitch types
Part 2. Classification and terminology of seam
BS 4134 Specification for the ticket numbering of industrial sewing threads
BS 6157 Specification for industrial sewing threads made wholly or partly from synthetic fibres Quality as2irance
BS 4778 Glossary of terms used In quality assurance (including reliability and maintainability terms)
BS 4891 A guide to quality assurance
85 5497 Preciikrn of test methods
BS 5701 Guide to number defective charts for quality control
BS 5703 Guide to data analysis and quality control using cu sum techniques
BS 5750 Quality systems
BS 5781 Measurement and calibration systems Part 1. SpecificatIon of system requirements Part 2. Guide to the use of BS 5781 : Part 1 ‘Specification of system requirements’
BS 6000 Guide to the use of 8S 6001. Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes
BS 6001 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes
BS 6002 Specification for sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent defective
3.3 Lay planning. Instructions for this area of operations should Include mention of the following factors:
(a) pattern pieces to be correctly positioned on fabric grain;
(b) all required pattern pieces to be included; (c) provision to be made for matching checks/stripes;
(d) pattern pieces to be correctly positioned for pile or one-way fabrics;
(e) no overlapping of pattern pieces to be present end sufficient space to be available between parts for accurate cutting;
(f) all pieces to be correctly identified by size, style, etc.; (g) tine definition to be satisfactory (not too thick. no parts of lines missing);
(hi marking to be accurate,
(i) all notches and drill marks to be included and correctly positioned;
Cj) parts to be fully marked within the defined lay width.
3.4 Laying-up. cutting and fusing
3.4.1 General. In these stages of production the aspects detailed In 3.4.2. 3.4.3 and 3.4.4 should be covered in the garment making specifications.
Machinery manufacturers normally provide detailed information on their products and it is essential to follow their recommendations to obtain the best possible performance compatible with safe working practice. NOTE In this is in all other stages of the production process it is essential to ensur, sale working conditions at all taiin.
3.7 Final pr.sstng. The functioning of the press and cleanliness of press covers should be checked daily by the operator.
The functioning of the press arid porosity/condition of press paddings should be checked weekly by the technician. Automatic press progranirne settings should be checked against the programme specified in the pilot run. Where dry heat final pressing is used, the twicedaily checks recommended in 3.4.4 should be carded out.
In knrtwear, the finished garment/fram. size should be checked by the operator.
Garments should be checked before and after all stages of pressing for the following faults and should be dry before subsequent operations (e.g. buttoning. baqginq):
(a) unwanted creases/Impressions/staining; (b) pressing glaze.
3.8 Final examination. In the final examination, garments should be inspected for the following:
(a) correct size (measured to size charts provided);
(b) seam pucker, seam allowance and sewing faults;
(c) garment symmetry;
Cd) pressing or fusing defects:
() garment cleanilness;
(f) loose threads;
(g) correct matching of fabrics and trimmings;
(h) shade variation;
(i) correct fitting and alignment of closures:
(j) correct placing of appropriate labels.
A reference sample and a full garment specification should be made available at the Inspection point. The lighting conditions under which the examination is made should also be specified. It Is also essential that examiners be selected and trained in a consistent comprehensive manner. it is recommended that all garments be inspected, but if 100 % inspection level Is not considered to be necessary reference should be made to the appropriate British Standards dealing with sampling procedures, these being as follows.
BS 6000 Guide to the use of BS 6001. Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes
BS 6001 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes
BS 6002 SpecifIcation for sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent defective
3.9 LabellIng. It is essential that correct labels and tickets are attached to the garments produced. The exact type of label to be used will depend on many factors, but for garments for sale to the general public there are some statutory labelling requirements. Such requirements are concerned with:
(a) ffbre content;
(b) country of origin;
(c) hazard warnings.
NOTE. Statutory Regulations relatrng to garment labelling rnclude the Regulations given in the following hit, which should riot be
tsken as being exhaustive.
Statutory Instrurrient 1973 No. 2124. The Textile Products (lndic2teoni of Fita’e Content) Regulations 1913:
Trde Descriptions lOt 1gm Making) (Miscellaneous Goods)
Order 1981.
Statutory Instrument 1967 No. 839. The Nightdress
(Safety Regulations).

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