BS 5190:1985 download free

06-17-2021 comment

BS 5190:1985 download free.Specification for Pipeline filters, filter bodies and filter elements for milking installations.
1 Scope
BS 5190 specifies the performance, construction, marking and labelling requirements for pipeline filters, filter bodies and filter elements for milking machines. The filter elements may be of the single use or multi-service type. The methods of test to be used for checking compliance with the requirements are given in Appendix A.
NOTE The publications referred t.o in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.
2 Definitions
For the purposes of BS 5190, the definitions of BS 5545-1 apply, together with the following.
pipeline filter
a device comprising a filter body and one or more filter elements
filter body
a device that is suitable for connection in the delivery pipeline or transfer pipeline of a milking machine and for securely housing one or more filter elements
filter element
a device which, when fitted in a filter body, is intended to remove visible dirt that is not a constituent of normal milk as drawn from the cow. It may be of the single use or multi-service use type
standard test capacity
the volume in litres of test milk (see A1.2), stated as 500 L or in multiples of 500 L, that the manufacturer claims can be filtered per milking with the efficiency specified in 3.2 and without changing or cleaning the filter element
3 Performance requirements
3.1 Flow rate
When tested by the method described in Al appropriate to its standard test capacity, the filter shall be capable of passing test milk at a flow rate of 3 000 L/h, with a pressure drop across the filter not exceeding 45 kPa.
3.2 Filtration efficiency
When tested by the method described in A.1 appropriate to BS 5190 test capacity, the difference between the visible dirt content of the test milk and that of the filtered test milk shall be not less than 3 mg/L for each sample of filtered test milk. The dirt content shall be measured in accordance with BS 4938-2. In addition, the visible dirt content of each sample of the filtered test milk shall be less than 2 mgtL.
3.3 Pressure drop
When tested by the method described in A.2, the pressure drop across the filter element and body shall not exceed 2 kPa.
3.4 Security
When tested by the method described in A.3, the filter element shall be capable of withstanding an input pressure of 170 kPa without detachment or damage or such distortion as would reduce the filtration efficiency below that specified in 3.2.
4 Construction
4.1 General
Materials used in the pipeline filter, with the exception of single service elements, that may come into contact with cleaning and disinfecting fluids shall be suitable for such contact and shall be easy to clean.
NOTE Account should be taken of the contact times and temperatures and concentrations of the chemica]s to be used as well as any limitations mentioned by the filter manufacturer in his instructions regarding the employment of cleansing procedures as described in BS 5226 and BS 5305.
4.2 Filter bodies
The filter body shall withstand, without permanent damage or distortion, a vacuum of 80 kPa and a pressure of 200 kPa. All surfaces designed to come into contact with milk, when the body is in-place within the pipeline of the milking machine, shall be smooth and easy to clean.
4.3 Filter elements
Filters shall be so constructed as to allow easy removal and replacement of the filter element and such that, an element or other whole component, if it becomes detached for any reason, cannot be discharged with the milk. Multi-service elements shall be easy to clean after removal and shall also be capable of being cleaned and disinfected in-place.
5 Instructions
The following information shall be provided with each pipeline filter.
a) The correct method of installation of the filter.
NOTE The following should be taken into account.
1) The position of the filter unit will be governed by the type of milking installation but it should not be located where it will affect the milking vacuum; therefore, it should not be fitted into a milking pipeline which has the dual function of providing milking vacuum and conveying milk to the milk receiver.
2) The need to locate the filter where it is readily accessible for inspection, dismantling and re-assembly and so that loss of milk will be minimized.
3) The need to locate the filter in such a position and orientation to ensure that it can be easily and completely drained.
b) The correct method of assembling and dismantling the filter.
c) Recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting the filter, taking into account the recommendations of BS 5226 and BS 5305, with particular regard to the need for dismantling.
NOTE The following should be taken into account.
1) The need to remove and discard single service elements
after each milking.
2) The need to clean and disinfect filter bodies and
multi.service elements after each milking.
3) The need to inspect multi-service filter elements after
cleaning and before re-assembling, and to replace
damaged elements.
d) Depending on the design of the pipeline filter, instructions for using the filters in line with plate coolers during the cleaning and disinfection of the milking plant. The information shall refer to the fact that separate clean filters shall be used for this purpose, and not those used for filtering the milk.
e) A statement of the need to ensure that replacement filter elements are suitable for use with the filter body.
f) A statement to the effect that filters become clogged faster, and before their standard test capacities are reached, if the milk is dirty or if colostrum milk is allowed to pass through the filter. The information shall also include advice that, if the milk is dirty, remedial action involving cleaning of both the cows and the clusters during milking will normally be necessary.
6 Marking and labelling
6.1 Filter bodies
Filter bodies shall be clearly and durably marked with the following.
a) The manufacturer’s or vendor’s name or trademark, together with an identification (name, symbol, numbers) of the model.
b) The number and date of BS 5190, i.e. BS 519O:1985.
6.2 Filter elements
Filter elements andlor the boxes, wrappers, package inserts or containers in which they are packed shall be clearly marked with the following.
a) The manufacturer’s name or trade mark or other means of identification.
b) The number and year of this British Standard, i.e. BS öl9O:l985.
c) The standard test capacity in accordance with 2.4.
d) The words “single service” or “multi-service” according to type.
e) The identification (name, symbol, numbers) of the filter body or bodies with which the elements are designed to be used.

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