ISO 14955-5:2020 download

05-28-2021 comment

ISO 14955-5:2020 download.Machine tools — Environmental evaluation of machine tools — Part 5: Principles for testing woodworking machine tools with respect to energy supplied.
As environmental impact is a common challenge for all products and natural resources become scarce, environmental performance criteria for machine tools need to be defined and the use of these criteria need to be specified.
Woodworking machine tools are complex products for Industrial use to manufacture workpleces ready for use or semi-finished products. Their environmental impact includes waste raw material, use of auxiliary substances such as lubricants and other material flows as well as conversion of electrical energy into heat, dissipation of heat to the ambient or heat exchange by fluids and eventually the use of other resources such as compressed air.
Based on relevance considerations, the Iso 14955 series is focussed on environmental impacts during the use phase.
The performance of a machine tool as key data for investment is multi-dimensional regarding its economic value, its technical specification and its operating requirements which are influenced by the specific application. The energy supplied to the same machine tool can vary depending on the workpiece being manufactured and the conditions tinder which the machine tool Is operated. Therefore, the environmental evaluation of a machine tool cannot be done without considering these aspects.
1 Scope
ISO 14955-5 specifies technical requirements for testing procedures for evaluation of energy supplied during use phase for the design of machine tools to process wood and materials with similar physical characteristics to wood.
ISO 14955-5, along with Iso 14955-1 and ISO 14955-2. covers all significant energy requirements relevant to woodworking machine tools, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer/supplier.
ISO 14955-5 defines relevant operating states, optional shift regimes and optional machine tool activities for several types of woodworking machine tools.
ISO 14955-5 also applies to peripheral devices which are supplied as an Integral part of the machine. ISO 14955-5 also applies to machine tools which are part of an integrated manufacturing system where the energy required is comparable to those of machine tools working separately.
ISO 14955-5 applies to the following woodworking machine tools:
— NC boring and routing machines;
— horizontal beam panel sawing machines;
— vertical panel sawing machines;
— edge banding machines fed by chains:
— wide belt calibrating and sanding machines;
— foursided moulding machines;
— tenoning and/or profiling machines;
— foiling/laminating machines;
— dimension saws and circular saw benches:
— single spindle vertical moulding machines (toupie);
— surface planing, thickness planing, combined surface/thickness planing machines;
— band sawing machines;
— combined machines;
— multiblade rip-sawing machines:
— presses and bending presses;
wide belt calibrating and sanding machine
machine used to calibrate and/or to sand panels and/or linear workpieces, fitted with an integrated feed and sanding belts positioned above and/or below the workpiece level, with manual or automatic loading and/or unloading
(SOURCE: ISO 19085-8:2018, 3.1. modified — In the term. wide belt has been added: the Notes to entry. Figure 1 and Figure 2 have been deleted.]
four-sided moulding machine
machine for four-%ldvd longitudinal processing with four or more working units with spindles, which can be equipped with planing and/or moulding tools, at least one unit on each side of the workpiece. and with integrated feed of the workpiece
tenoning and/or profiling machine
machine designed for production of a tenon andfr profile on one side of the workpiece (single end machines) or on opposing sides of the workpiece (double end machine) In one pass, where the tenons and/or profiles are cut by means of milling tools and/or saw blades mounted on one or more spindles (on each machine halfl, and where the workpiece is fed manually or mechanically
foiling/laminating machine
machine tool to foil/laminate flat surfaces with sheets or rolls of, for example, high gloss foils or foils of paper
Note ito entry: Example of a flat surface is a board.
dimension saw
hand-fed machine fitted with a single main circular saw blade, which is fixed In position during the cutting operation, and a sliding table adbacent to the saw blade
[SOURCE: ISO 19085-5:2017, 3i, modified — The Notes to entry and Figure 1 have been deleted.]
circular saw bench table saw
hand-fed machine fitted with a single main circular saw blade which is fixed in position during the cutting operation, and a horizontal table fixed during operation
[SOURCE: ISO 19085-9:20 17. 3.1, modified — The Notes to entry and Figure 1 have been deleted.]
single spindle vertical moulding machine toupie
hand-fed machine fitted with a single vertical spindle (interchangeable or not interchangeable), which is fixed in position during cutting operation and a horizontal table, which is fixed In total or in part during cutting operation
[SOURCE: ISO 19085-6:2017,3.1, modified — “toupie has been added as admitted term. In the definition, arbor has been replaced with spIndle. The Notes to entry and Figure 1 have been deleted.]
4.2 Operating state OFF
The main switches for electrical power supply shall be OFF.
The compressed air supply Isolation valves shall he closed.
The air flow at each extraction connection outlet of the machine tool is assumed to be zero.
4.3 Operating state ON
The main switches for electrical power supply shall be ON.
The compressed air supply isolation valves shall be open.
The measurement shall be performed after more than 60 mm of OFF state or when stable conditions are reached. The measurement shall last at least S miii, The electrical power measured is mainly the power applied to PC. CNC. control system. auxiliary circuits. Compressed air flow is mainly sealing air. If existent. or due to leakage. In this state, manual operated tool change or manual operated tool magazine loadingJunloading or die change can be done, when operating state STANDBY Is not provided.
4,4 Operating state STANDBY
In this state, a)l available energy saving features of the machine tool shall be activated.
The measurement shall be performed 10 mm after PROCESSING state has ended.
The average power shall be measured over a time ofat least 5 mm.
In this state, manual operated tool change or manual operated tool magazine loadingJunloading or die
change can be done.
4.5 Operating state WARM UP
WARM UP is the transition from STANDBY or ON, if STANDBY is not provided, to PROCESSING.
The measurement shall be performed after more than 30 miii of STANDBY or ON, if STANDBY is not provided.
The average power shall be measured over the full time of the transition. The WARM UP time shall be reported.
5) nominal pneumatic pressure and flow;
6) nominal data of contaminated air flow and pressure drop;
7) nomInal data (flow and temperature) olexternal heat supply for presses.
6.2 Measurement setup description
1) Ambient conditions during measurement;
2) if material is processed during test run: material specification
3) list of measuring points;
4) specificatIon of measurement devices (e.g. brand, accuracy);
5) test scenario details according to £2. Including description of activities in operating state
6.3 Results
1) Measurement results according to 5.J. for all operating states;
2) conventIonal equivalent energy supplied in kWh for the selected testing scenario; for equivalent values (see ISO 149552:2O18. Annex A) or indication from the user-
3) WARM UPtime. if relevant.

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